Hey! 👋
ibResources is a website that aggregates a collection of sites and resources for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme.
📝 Past Papers and Question Banks
- Latest Available IBDocs Mirror ⭐️
- IBDocs ⭐️ - A collection of past papers, question banks, mark schemes, and a bunch of other resources
- IBRepo ⭐️ - Up-to-date IBDocs mirror
- XtremePapers - A collection of past papers from various examination boards (including IB)
🧠 Revision Platforms
- RevisionDojo - A great website with a great UI, topical questions, mock exam generation, flashcards, and more
- Pestle v5 - Revision platform based on the IB Question Banks
- Revision Village Archive - An archive of Revision Village, featuring the latest questions and practice exams. Requires ad-block to be disabled, so be wary 😰 - Guide on Disabling Ads
- RevisionTown (Updated) - A revision platform offering topical questions (RevisionVillage)
- RevisionTown - Another revision platform with topical questions (RevisionVillage)
🗒️ Study Guides, Revision, Notes
- SaveMyExams Archive - A free archive of SaveMyExams, a great resource for revision and practice questions
- PirateIB Notes Compilation - A huge collection of notes for various subjects
- IB Academy Study Guides - Free study guides for various subjects
- Christos Nikolaidis’s Notes - Holy grail for Mathematics in the IBDP (HL & SL)
- EconplusDal - Economics notes and resources to help you ace your exams
- EcoNinja - Free notes, diagrams, and definitions for the new IB Economics syllabus!
- Business Management and Economics Notes - Amazing set of notes for Business Management and Economics
- Computer Science Cáfe - Computer Science notes and resources
- Spanish Ab - Comprehensive notes for Spanish Ab Initio
- BioNinja - One-stop-shop Biology notes and resources
- Nikles’s Chemistry Revision Videos - Chemistry revision videos (2023-2025 syllabus)
- OSC Revision Videos - Physics and Biology revision videos (2023-2025 syllabus)
🗂️ General Resource Repositories
- pirateIB Resources Guide - A helpful list of general resources for the IB
🔬 Research and Writing
- Anna’s Archive - Helpful for more than just IB: an open repository of books, papers, magazines, comics, library records, and more
- sci-hub - Free and open access to research documents (JSTOR, IEEE, Springer, etc.)
🔗 Miscellaneous
- IB Predict - Predictive tool for your final IB score
- CiteCount - A tool to help you keep track of your citations in your EEs, IAs, etc.
- Knowt - A great tool for making flashcards and studying (Quizlet alternative)
Want to say hi? Email us at hello at ibresources dot in.